Become a Sponsor
Be a Station Sponsor
For the duration of your Station Sponsorship, GREENbike will:
» Place a station at the location of your choice
» Build a personalized ad for your business at your station’s location
» Create discounted passes for your staff
» Provide tickets to GREENbike’s annual Sponsor & Partner Party
» Highlight your organization on our website
Be a Handlebar Sponsor
For the duration of your one-year Handlebar Sponsorship, GREENbike will:
» Create a personalized handlebar decal for you and put it on a GREENbike
» Provide one ticket to GREENbike’s annual Sponsor & Partner Party (or more depending on your sponsorship level)
» Include you, your businesses, or your social media handle in the sponsor section of the GREENbike website
Handlebar Sponsorship Levels
Training Wheels | $100
One Handlebar sticker
One annual membership
One birthday party invitation
One Greenbike t-shirt and sticker -
Pedal Pusher | $200
Two annual memberships
Two handlebar stickers
Two birthday party invites
Greenbike t-shirt, water bottle, and sticker -
Tour de Force | $300
Two annual memberships
Two handlebar stickers
Two birthday invitations
Swag package
Thank you! After we receive your sponsorship, we’ll be in touch to get you your perks and get your sticker on a bike!
Questions? Email us at info@greenbikeslc.org