What We Do
About GREENbike
GREENbike, Utah’s only nonprofit bike share, connects our community with employment centers, high-density residential units, transit stops, and popular entertainment destinations.
The bike share program serves as a mechanism to improve community health, air quality, and increase the use of existing transit infrastructure.
GREENbike is a nonprofit, public/private partnership between SelectHealth, Salt Lake City, UTA, and other private sponsors.
The local nonprofit bike share system is dedicated to offering the community an affordable, convenient, and sustainable transportation option.
Since GREENbikes hit the ground in 2013, GREENbikers have:
» Offset more than 5.8 million pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the air.
» Prevented more than 6.4 million vehicle miles from impacting local roads.
» Burned more than 79.1 million calories.
GREENbike Utah complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity). GREENbike does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity).

Our Goals
GREENbike aims to reduce carbon emissions and automobile traffic congestion by taking cars off the road, while simultaneously encouraging healthy lifestyles through physical activity and a renewed interest in cycling as an effective means of transportation as well as exercise.
Through our bike share program, we strive to improve the livability of the Wasatch Front and create a vibrant, thriving community. Bike sharing is a new kind of public transit that makes urban bike commuting easy, fun, and affordable.
Bike stations are currently placed in strategic locations to create a network that’s useful for both residents and visitors.
With the touch of a button, anyone can borrow a bike that can be returned at any downtown station.